If your bathtub is tanking, we can refinish it. If your shower is
sorry, we can reglaze it. If your sink top is sinking, we can resurface
it. If your tile is a terror, we can help!
Tuff Tile Refinishing
solution is simple. We come in and revamp old fixtures and make them
look like new. We provide a service that brings new life to your
bathtub, shower, sink top, and tile that will last for years. All of this is for a fraction of the cost of replacing your bathroom.
solution is simple. We come in and revamp old fixtures and make them
look like new. We provide a service that brings new life to your
bathtub, shower, sink top, and tile that will last for years. All of this is for a fraction of the cost of replacing your bathroom.
Tile Refinishing is one of our specialties.
First, we come in and prep the tile. Removing loose debris or old
caulking is necessary to obtain a clean surface on which to sand.
First, we come in and prep the tile. Removing loose debris or old
caulking is necessary to obtain a clean surface on which to sand.
We sand smooth any inconsistencies in the tile so we can make it ready
for the repair process. Using a high speed grinder, we achieve a flush
surface. Watch the video below to see us at work!
We sand smooth any inconsistencies in the tile so we can make it ready
for the repair process. Using a high speed grinder, we achieve a flush
surface. Watch the video below to see us at work!
We apply industry grade filler to fix any broken tiles. If you need new
tiles, we can perform the installation process as well.
We apply industry grade filler to fix any broken tiles. If you need new
tiles, we can perform the installation process as well.
Tile Refinishing.
This is a three part process. First, we etch the surface to obtain a
semi-porous surface. This allows the primer and tile refinishing coating
to bond to the original tile. Second, we apply primer and coating.
Last, we seal the deal with specialty sealer.
This is a three part process. First, we etch the surface to obtain a
semi-porous surface. This allows the primer and tile refinishing coating
to bond to the original tile. Second, we apply primer and coating.
Last, we seal the deal with specialty sealer.